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FolderSizes Help

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Starting an Analysis

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Click the Start toolbar button within the Trend Analyzer window to show the New Trend Analysis window.


Specifying Data File Locations


In order to construct a trend analysis time line, FolderSizes must import previously saved file system state data. Two different types of data files are supported:


Folder size report data (.xml) files

File system snapshot (.fssx) files


Use the Path tab within the New Trend Analysis window to specify the location of your data files. You can separate multiple file locations with pipe symbols if needed.


Here's an example of a single folder path containing multiple file system data files:


c:\foldersizes data


Or you might specify multiple folder paths, each separated by a pipe symbol:


c:\location1 | c:\location2


Creating Data Files


If you don't already have a history of data files available for use by the Trend Analyzer, you can easily create them from within FolderSizes.


Folder size report data (.xml) files - Can be created manually via the File | Save Folder Size Report Data (XML) function within the main window. Or you can use the Task Scheduler to export folder size report data to XML at regular intervals (e.g. daily, weekly, etc.).

File system snapshot (.fssx) files - Can be created manually (for one or more paths) via the Snapshot ribbon bar button. Or you can use the Task Scheduler to generate snapshots on a periodic basis.


Regardless of how they're generated, it's usually best to organize folder size report XML files into discrete folders - thus making it easier to specify XML file locations when creating new analyses.


Data Import


Once the data file locations have been specified, the import process will begin.


During this process, each data file found within the specified locations will be opened, parsed, and imported. This import process may take some time, particularly if you have large data files, if there are a large number of them, or if you're attempting to import them from a network file system.