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Search Rules

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FolderSizes Search Rules control how the system matches file and folders.


There are two types of search rules - file rules and folder rules. This distinction is important, because it provides users with clear and granular control over precisely what types of file system objects are returned as search results.


Rule Properties


Search rules have a common set of characteristics, including:


Type - Rules have a type of either file or folder, specifying the type of file system object to match.

Action - Either include or exclude, allowing the user to control how search responds to matches.

Enabled - Rules can be disabled, allowing them to be ignored without removing them from the rule list.

Description - Allows users to provide their own brief description of what the rule matches.

Criteria - Allows users to match file system objects based upon name, size, attributes, name length, age, or owner.


Rule Processing


There are a few things to keep in mind with regard to how FolderSizes processes search rules.


1.Exclusion rules always take priority

2.Otherwise, rules are processed in order

3.Rule processing stops at the first match


You can create as many rules as you like, and order them however you like, as long as you keep the above in mind.


Rule Criteria


Each search rule can have one or more of the following file / folder match criteria associated with it.


Click any of the following rule criteria types to learn more about how they work:





Name Length




Item Count