FolderSizes 9 Now Available

Key Metric Software has released FolderSizes 9 – a new major version of our world-class disk space analysis software for Windows.

With over a year of development and testing under its belt, FolderSizes 9 introduces sweeping improvements to nearly every feature and function offered by the product. Over a hundred enhancements and fixes make this version of FolderSizes our best yet.

For a high-level overview of what’s new in FolderSizes 9, please see:

Or head straight for the download page and try it for yourself:

In addition to all the feature enhancements, we’ve also added support for consultant licenses. These allow consulting individuals and companies to use FolderSizes 9 to service their customers broadly, and at reasonable prices.

FolderSizes 9 also finally ends our long-standing support for Windows XP and Server 2003. Microsoft stopped supporting these operating systems back in April of 2014, so it was (probably well past) time for us to do the same. FolderSizes 9 also looks forward by adding official support for Windows Server 2019 and the latest builds of Windows 10.

I’m amazed, at times, when I look back at the growth of FolderSizes since its introduction in 2003. That’s over 16 years of continuous development. And we have no intention of slowing down. So check out the new version and let us know what you think… because we’re always planning for the future.


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