FolderSizes Customer Testimonial

We’re fortunate enough to get a lot of really positive feedback from the users of our software products. Today I received an email from Keith S. from Duncanville, TX. He had the following to say about FolderSizes (our disk space management software):

Today a computer tech from a local company spent about 2 hours at my house trying to diagnose a problem with my computer. At the end of the 2 hours and $99 poorer, I said good-bye to the tech and I still had my problem.
This evening I “ran across” FolderSizes through a Google search and downloaded the trial version. The best thing about it was that it reported the sizes of the operating system files which were heretofore invisible to me (mainly out of my ignorance of how to view them). What I discovered was that my “System Volume Information” folder was huge (about 20 gigabytes). System Restore in my computer was creating a restore point after each and every reboot, and I was losing about 1% of my hard drive space each time I turned the thing off and then back on. This was the problem that the tech could not figure out.
Thank you for this wonderful piece of software! My only regret is that I did not discover it sooner. I will most definitely be purchasing it and I will recommend it to the tech if I ever talk with him again.
Posted: December 29, 2006 5:03 pm

FolderSizes Version Released

We’ve released a minor update to our market-leading disk space visualization software – FolderSizes – today.

Version contains mostly minor improvements and bug fixes, and is a recommended (and entirely free) upgrade for all FolderSizes users. Simply download the latest version and install it, and the upgrade will occur automatically.

Release notes are available online here, should you wish to review them.

As always, feel free to contact us directly if you need anything.

Posted: November 28, 2006 2:05 pm

Vista Compability Summary

Now that Microsoft Vista has been officially released to manufacturing (and will be available broadly to consumers at the start of 2007), I would like to summarize our product compatibility findings.

Put simply, all Key Metric Software products are fully compatible with all editions of Microsoft Vista. We’ve thoroughly tested FolderSizes, Duplicate File Detective, and OfficeStatus. We did end up making some cosmetic tweaks to the client interface of OfficeStatus (our new staff in / out board software solution) version 1.5 for the benefit of Vista, but they were quite minor.

If you do happen to stumble across any compatibility issues that we may have missed, please be sure to let us know.

Posted: November 27, 2006 3:28 pm

Vista Ultimate RC1 – Disk Space Analysis

Now that Windows Vista is nearing public release, I’ve been spending a bit more time running compatibility tests with FolderSizes. My findings – FolderSizes works pretty much perfectly with the most recent Vista builds.

I’m actually testing with the RC1 build of Windows Vista Ultimate Edition. Not surprisingly, the default installation of Vista Ultimate chews up a lot of disk space. Running a FolderSizes file report against my C drive reveals a significant distribution of large files.

If I switch to the File Sizes detail view in the navigation tree and double-click the 3MB-1GB file size range, FolderSizes will automatically launch a search window that shows me exactly which files exist in that size range.

Apparently the Ultimate edition of Windows Vista installs quite a bit of sample media by default. I suspect that Vista’s deeper graphical capabilities will translate into greater disk space requirements regardless of which edition you install.

I will, of course, continue testing FolderSizes compatibility with Windows Vista right up to the final release of the product. And if you’re doing the same, please feel free to contact me directly should you find anything amiss.

Posted: September 10, 2006 12:53 pm

New PDF help file available

Just wanted to note that the PDF version of the online help file has been upgraded, revised, and improved.

You can download it from:

BTW, the latest public release of FolderSizes (v3.5) also upgrades the online help file format to HTML Help, which provides numerous usability improvements.

Posted: August 21, 2005 2:20 pm